Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas, New Year's, A Week and Counting...

Yes it's been almost a month-well okay exactly a month since I last wrote but I have had this and that with the holidays and exercising and planning my trip to Germany. Plus I usually go on 'strike' with the computer after each semester because I seem to have it attached to my hip 4 months straight (as all you college students know) so it is nice to step away from the technology. Okay enough excuses but it is all true. Here's how the last 744 hours went for me...

After school ended, I was welcomed back into reality and fun. I have been able to spend some time with Kyler, my nephew. He is a brilliant genius (but then what genius is not brilliant?). But literally this kid is too smart. His mind picks up anything it sees. Just amazing-I will post a video of him later singing the abc's.

I also had time to spend a week with my other nephews and niece. We played the Wii, jumped on my bed, decorated cookies, played ping pong, shuffle board (on the kitchen floor) and more. Oh and Christmas was fun because we played this game called "Sorry Sliders" (the game "sorry" but you slide your pawns) and I highly recommend it. I think its $12-15 at Wal-Mart. It is fun. We played it pretty much all day. Christmas was so wonderful. We spent good quality time with the family and I should say even though it was a change from the traditional Christmas we had had in the past, it is a Christmas at the top of my list. Not because of the gifts but of the time I had with the fam and the spirit of the holiday that I felt. :)

New Year's - what can I say?! The clock struck 12. I could really 'vent' about the turn of the year moment(s) but its in the past and I must move on. New Year's day was spent on the road. My cousin Brittany and I headed to Mesa once our eyelids opened from all our 'wild partying' hours before. We spent the whole weekend shopping. It was nice and I have some nice outfits for student teaching :) Shopping is fun (but very emotional wouldn't you agree?!).

**WARNING! - NEVER, EVER use a piece of icicle tinsel stuff as a head band!! It will burn your skin!! Yes, this happened to moi right before we headed to the movies. It hurt and left a red mark on my head for a good deal of time! **


So what else is up? Not much from what is mentioned above. A week from now I will be in the air, flying over the Atlantic Ocean, with 3 hours before I set foot on foreign soil for the first time in my life. (Well I guess I did set foot on Mexican soil when I was 10 or so for 2 hours but this is just a little bit different wouldn't you say??!) I will land in Frankfurt Germany, and from there take a train to Oberdachstetten where I will be staying with the principal and her fam. Hopefully I will be able to sleep on the train over otherwise I will be looking at a 36+ hour day.

I am really excited. I must admit that my mind is constantly occupied with the upcoming experience that I could not even concentrate in church today. I had to keep pulling myself out of the clouds. (But I did remember some things I have to do before I leave so it was not a total loss). And I am not saying that the talks and lessons were boring, I just could not keep my mind from traveling off to Germany if you know what I mean.

That is it for now. Trust me, my blog will be rockin' in just over a week. In a week and counting I will take you to places you have never seen and will experience the remarkable culture, nature, and people of Europe.

Few more things before closing...
1. I miss hot chocolate! I have only had 1 this winter which is BIG for moi. Darn calories!
2. I enjoyed seeing all you 'chubs' over the holiday. Keep in touch eh!
3. I know the second coming is soon because the Cardinals are in the NFC championship game-only 1 win from going to the Super Bowl. Good luck you red birds - if you win...Well, I guess I am already at a loss of words.
4. This blog is long enough.
5. I really shouldn't keep on typing
6. because it is long enough.
7. I guess there are longer blogs
8. out there but I
9. just have to keep explaining why this is
10. SOOOO long. That happens
11. when you don't post anything for 744 hours, i.e. 31 days
12. on your blog. Did you know Kate Winslet
13. won 2 Golden Globes tonight?
14. Her first 2 ever even though she has been
15. nominated for 8. Just shows to never
16. give up. Oh what's that you say?
17. My blog is long?? Well then stop reading! If
18. you would stop reading then I would
19. stop typing but since I know you want to ignore those
20. dirty dishes in your sink I will keep typing. I just
21. typed "talking" like "will keep talking" because it does
22. seem like sometimes you are talking to the people who read your post
23. instead of typing your thoughts and memories.
24. We have eliminated interpersonal relationships and replaced
25. them with blogpersonal relationships.
25. Yes I made that word up but I think I will get it copyrighted
26. because that is how our society works. We socialize through forms of communication
28. That avoid real human interaction. I would totally write an article on it because
29. I think of it all the time how we not longer do things with out technology and they all or mostly avoid real human interaction.
30. I'm not saying that we should get rid of blogs because it has been helpful to know what ya'll
31. are up to but how many of us really talk to fam and friends on the phone (and
32. I do not mean texting) but actually "Hello?" "Hello, is John-Jacob-Jingle-Himmer-Schmidt there?" "Oh yes, let me get him for you." telephone conversation.
33. I'll drop it there. But seriously, are you still reading??
34. Did you notice that I typed 25 twice and not 27? I
35. didn't do it on purpose I just had to fix a sentence and
36. didn't want to fix all the numbers after it so I let it be. Okay seriously I am stopping.
37. Have a good day, afternoon, dusk, twilight, night, midnight, or what ever time of
day you are reading this. I must be really tired or bored
38. for writing all this. Oops - Call me Britney Spears-I did it again. I am typing or should I saw 'talking' again. - I'm stopping now.
39. Dowt!!

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