Sunday, November 21, 2010

20 November 2010

I am behind the times. But as most of you know I like history so I am going to take this moment to share a little history about my life over the past few months. As I reflect back to 2010 I laugh and cry about everything I endured. Not that it all was a hardship but there where moments that humbled me. I don't want to reflect on the negative even though those moments help us become stronger but simply stated, I like the positive better!

This post is about the day of November 20, 2010. This day ended up being fun-packed with friends, flying, and fans. Simply put I went flying, had a Thanksgiving dinner with my friends, and was crowned Miss San Marcos. I think the pictures from this day will do it justice. Enjoy!

Driving to Chandler Regional Airport. Are we excited or what!

Adam, ze pilot, and Me. I guess since I am smiling I trust he can still fly while looking backwards.

I love you Arizona!

Eliza and I, ze passengers. Once again, trusting the pilot as he takes a picture of us.

Afternoon to the end of the day:
Preparations for our Thanksgiving dinner pretty much took us all day! After we put our feet back on the ground we spent the rest of our day preparing the turkey, cooking pies and casserole. Well at least I should say Eliza did because I was preparing for a pageant. Never would I thought I would be in a pageant and as silly as it was, it was an interesting experience. I had an interview, talent, and evening wear. I was actually crowned Miss San Marcos! Considering I had no idea what I was doing for my talent and evening wear until about 5:30pm I would say it was a success.
Dave giving some TLC to the bird. It paid off by being flavorful and moist!

I am grateful for this harvest!

Jena, Brittany, Lauren and I (clockwise)

What a bunch of turkeys!

In my crowning glory! (This is the only picture of the whole night.)
There you have it. This was a memorable day in so many ways. I was really worn out by the end of it all. I think I could have enjoyed all didn't happen all in one day but I really am not complaining. I am blessed to have amazing friends!

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